In HKUST, MOOCs are offered through
Coursera and edX (HKUSTx) while blended courses are delivered through
Canvas. The diagram below illustrates the production workflow of a typical MOOC and blended course supported by MTPC. It may vary according to the production approach and requirements of the course. The whole production process will be around 2 – 4 months depending on the scale of the production. (Exclude the time for designing the course for online delivery)
Comparing MOOC and Blended Learning Production
Production |
Blended Learning |
Duration of video content
Full course: 6 – 12 Weeks |
Flexible. Recommend few weeks to start off |
Delivery mode
100% online |
Online and face-to-face |
Delivery platform
Coursera, edX (HKUSTx) |
Canvas, etc |
Learning materials referred in videos
Open contents accessible online |
Same as in face-to-face class |
Copyright clearance
Copyrighted materials should be 100% cleared |
Use of copyrighted materials to a certain extend is covered by fair dealing in Hong Kong |
Target audience
Learners all over the world with different demographic and cultural background |
HKUST students |
Video production
Specifically produced for the MOOC delivery. More elaborate as it represents the HKUST brand. |
Video can be produced using:
- Edited RVC or lecture videos
- Edited MOOC videos
- Screen recording using Office Mix or Camtasia
- Studio recording with simple setups
Promo video
Required |
Not necessary |
Required (at least English) |
Not necessary |
Enhancement for PPT and infographics
Necessary |
Optional |
Some Suggestions
- The length of videos is not necessarily equal to the duration of lecture. Lecture contents should be reorganized and chunked into videos within 8 – 12 minutes
- Video content should be designed as learning object that can be reused or repurposed. Contents that require frequent updates are less suitable for video production.
- Avoid a whole day studio shooting as it will be too exhausting for instructor. Half day is more advisable
- Start small for your blended course – once you get the hang of it you can be more ambitious
- Keep things visual – that’s the whole point of video content